ARC Funding Group, LLC was initially formed in 2003 as successor to Lake Creek Financial, a nationwide niche bridge lender. From 2003 to 2008, ARC Funding Group continued to fund bridge loans throughout the country as well as start its own commercial loan brokerage. During 2008, ARC Funding Group, LLC ceased all lending of its own monies and chose to focus solely on its commercial loan origination efforts. Today the Company produces permanent loans, construction loans, structured financing, bridge loans, and other sophisticated types of financing for highly qualified individuals and companies throughout the country. 



ARC Funding Group is dedicated to placing commercial loans with lenders who are actively lending money in today’s economic climate. We excel in understanding the credit market as a whole from agency, CMBS and life companies to hard money, and most resources in-between. We add value to our borrowers by taking the mystery and the work out of getting the loan. By preparing the loan presentation with the borrower, we offer the lender the most clear and accurate reflection of the loan request, helping to ensure a successful execution.



We save borrowers time, effort, and money by evaluating and preparing packages that can be sent to our extensive affiliate groups. This allows our borrowers access to literally hundreds of potential lenders. However, unlike most brokers who simply refer your business to a lender, we are your primary contact all the way through the process. Through our years of experience, we have learned how to think outside the box when it comes to placing a loan. We are also constantly looking for new and improved financing vehicles to offer our clients.